Works of Poetry

We have made quality our habit. It’s not something that we just strive for – we live by this principle every day.

Fogged Over

As tar went sunny days—noon gone midnight—

Each step so dimmed the line he dare try lay.

The sheen once set to show his walk failed light:

Did laugh the guideless haze asleep his way.

Tear fell his sight: the rain from a lone sky;

The Beast ravaged his bod, the soul there in.

To muddy dirt was he dead beat; thus lie

His butchered muscle—once firm pulsed—sliced thin.

Then woman lifted man, took grab his pith;

Warm hug encompassed, stored afresh the glow.

Paths two turned one: the past left gift to Myth;

This new sunshine the sole map they need know.

Took hands each, drew the other tight, held dear;

The road, fogged over, did then start to clear.

Stranded Beside the Outhouse at the Fall of Winter '94

As upon a thick grass clings morning dew,

Clutched horror across his inner hue...

For stiletto claws ripped among his ever-shattered breast:

The fingers of sly devils rending scars burnt fresh. Lest

The promise of the Angel fronting his eyes had staled;

Upon the Crucifixion Cross were his wings already nailed!

An opaque night overcast the life for which he dreamed;

Above, the darkness of a noon, Summer Sun screamed.

"Put a hold on the line!" the frantic voice pound;

Rays of shadows burnt his ash into the unforgiving ground.

Where the placid wind had blown, he'd lost track;

Nothing, but a moment ago, had it danced about his back.

Over his calcified teardrops sickly clouds race,

Etching the limestone from his rigid face.

So long a placated rock had he set—

His stenchy home protection from reality's wet—

That a petrous state a deluded he believed the cure

For that which is never stagnant, stoic, nor secure.

A world apart he would never know,

The overgrown lawn he need mow.